воскресенье, 22 ноября 2020 г.


6 класс. – Урок 31 Домашнее чтение «Алиса в стране чудес»

Цель урока: познакомиться с произведением детской английской литературы.

Кандыбарова Мария Владимировна приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

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Время: 23 ноя 2020 01:00 PM Екатеринбург

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В тетрадках записываем:

The 23rd of November.

Alice’s adventures in Wonderland.

1. Беседа об авторе. Устно ответьте на вопросы:

In what century did Lewis Carroll live?

What’s his original name?

When and where was he born?

Where did Lewis Carroll study?

When did he die?


  II. Read.

 Episode 1

Before reading

1. Which of these things can you see in the picture?

*a rabbit   *a tree with the door   *a dog     *a river  *flowers      

*a hole      *some cakes     

*a watch         *a clock      

*some candles     *a hat           

*a pink dress       

*playing cards   *a tunnel        

 *a waistcoat

2. Look at the title and the pictures.

Where is the rabbit going?

Why is Alice following him?

Listen and read to find out.


While reading.

3. Read or listen and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). (пис)

1. Alice and her sister are by the river. ___

2. Alice doesn’t like the book. ____

3. The rabbit is in a hurry. ____

4. The rabbit asks Alice to follow him. ____

5. The rabbit goes down the river. ____

6. The rabbit disappears. ____

Episode 2

Before reading

1. Look at the pictures and the title.

Where’s Alice?

What is she holding in each picture?

What is she going to do with these things?

2. Look at the pictures and the words below. What do you think is going to happen in these episode? Listen, read and check.

*glass table    *gold key    *tiny door    *bottle      *drink      *become small      *glass box    *cake    *grow    *hit ceiling    *too tall

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTmQAsGlT18 - video

https://uchebniki-rabochie-tetradi.com/knijka0791listat/ct4jok.jpg - text

While reading.

3. Answer the questions. (письменно)

1. What does Alice find behind the curtains?

2. Why can’t Alice come into the garden?

3. What happens when Alice drinks from the bottle on the table?

4. What happens when Alice eats the cake?

5. Why does Alice cry?


 ДЗ: прочитать статью об авторе и заполнить таблицу

Original name


Pen name






Birth date


Place of birth


Death date


Place of death



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